Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello Michaela!

Ready or not, here she is! Michaela Rosa Flores was born happy and healthy, albeit a few weeks early, last week on June 22nd at 6:37 pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz and is 20 inches. After a bit of a scramble to get mumma to the hospital, daddy back from NYC, Colin picked up from day care and Trish and Dad Seymour to the hospital to be with Roberta in the interim, we had the best possible outcome ...our wonderful baby girl.

Michaela sleeps ...a lot! We figure that she's probably resting up for many, many sleepless nights around the 1 month mark. When she is awake, her eyes are bright and she takes it all in.

Colin adores his little sister. (Pronouncing the name Ma-Ka-Ka) He gives big hugs and kisses and is always on the watch for her eyes to be open so he can put his face right up to hers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! So happy to be a part of the day - she's beautiful.....seems the toughest pregnancies make the sweetest easiest babies. Hope the same is true for you!